X-Day Drill
July 5-7, 1996
Brushwood-Sherman, NY
Starring the CHOSEN ONES....
J. R. "BOB" Dobbs - Our Beloved Savior
Rev. Ivan Stang - The One the ONLY
Dr. Legume - Don't fuck with Legume
Jeeezus Christ - Crucify Him, NOW
Papa Joe Mama - Hi-Octane Preachin'
Suzie the Floozy - SquidFUX for "BOB"
Dr. X the Squid - A True Sex God
Dr. Philo Drummond - Doktor to the Stars
Swingin' Love Corpses - Professional SlackJAMS
Dok BTM-King Of Slack - Slack Overload Organist
THE Living Keyboard
- Heal Me, Touch Me, Fuck Me
Dr. Cheshire - Sexxx Therapist Godess
Rev. Nickie Deathchick - Spank Me Please
Will O'Dobbs - Unsung Hero for "BOB"
Dr. Ginsu - Keep it Up
Pastor Craig - SquidHEAD Mutant
Saint Andrew - Doktorin' and Rantin'
Pope Phrederick Q. Armageddon - Ultra Twisted
Jehovah Hates Phred - Mutilation and Destruction
Andrew the Impaled - Side Show Marvel
Mutha TarlaStar - Erotick Poetry and Nurturing
Pee Kitty - Pure Industrial Strength Rant
DynaSoar - Fire and Brimstone Spew
Steve Slack - Multi-Dimensional Dok Jammer
Luceferian Liberation Front - Soldiers for "BOB"
Dr. B. J. - DigeryDooo and Geetar Dok
Dr. Psychotronic Radionic - Conga-bangin' for "BOB"
Anomie the Godess - Alien Nympho Hippie Babe
Drum the Hippie Chick - Perky Lez Tits for "BOB"
X-Day Wotan Slackastra Jamfest- All-Star Doktor Jam Band
featuring various mutations of Swingin' Love Corpes - Dr. Philo, Rafe, Ray Hay,
Dok BTM-King Of Slack with the Living Keyboard, Steve Slack, Dr. BJ, Rev Jim,
LD Halblo, Dr. Ginzu, Pastor Craig, Avatar, Tehuti, Dr. Psychotronic Radionic,
Papa Joe Mama, Rev. Stang, Suzie the Floozy and "B.O.B." Sing Along Choir!
LURKING about...
Doktor Jimi Hendrix - Lord Of Feedback
Doktor Timothy Leary - Acid King
Connie Dobbs - The One True Godess
Mrs. Ivan Stang - Stanky's TRUE Inspiration
Rev. Friday Jones - irreverrent and legendary
Rev. Sosodada - Hacking and Jamming
Rev. ID - Incognito web guru
Sexicutioner - Gwar Henchmaster Lurker
Rev. Jack - alt.slackmaster
L. D. Halblo - Fires Burn deep in his SOUL
rev. toth wilder - True Devotee of ANTI-Musick
Rev. Strange - Really Strange
Rev. Elo Madar - Unknown enity
Weepo Blimpbombs - Peepo Zeepo
Qstephe Wieselmaybee - Maybee....Maybee NOT
MegEliz - alt.slack.food.free.mistress
Miss Sakamoto - Blinded Me with SLACK
Lou Duchez - Illusive slack poster
Pagan Hippies Drummers - Dancin' Drums 'til dawn
Missing in Action...
Brother Cleve Dunkan - Keyboardist to the Stars
DK Jones - Synth Master of ARISE
Janor - Yer Gonna BURN....
Nenslo - Twisting the nite away
Sphinx Drummond - Ready to JAM
Sternodox - DickShittin' PoBuckin' MoFo
Cuthulu - Radar Labs Mastermind
Rev. Mathew Carey - Visionary Noisemaster
DAD Townsend - Taping and DJ SlackDAD
Modemac - NetGOD and Slack Archivist
And a Cast of Millions of X-Day Drill SLACKFUX!
I wish MORE of YOU SlackFux that made it to the DRILL
would have introduced yerselves, I truly regret not getting
to HANG out MORE. Special THANX to those of YOU that
did say "HI" and got some of the OBE and/or KOF goodies!
"I cast the SubGenius Circle of SLACK!"
DOWNLOAD Slacktunes and misc
WAVs and RA.
KING OF SLACK Cassette Tape = $5 (ppd)
with X-Day's A-Comin' (Studio Version 4 Min.)
and BTM/KOS Crusades RANT (22 Min.)
KOF Slackfux Devival Cassette Tape = $5 (ppd)
Kings Of Feedback/Pope Meyer/Legume
Rev Nickie/Ginsu/Pastor Craig and MORE!
at the Knitting Factory-NYC '95 (60 Min.)
Call 1-(617) Lick OBE or
Email: Dok BTM
Open Your Ears!
X Day Drill '96 Report at SubSITE
Special THANX to Rev. Stang and SubSITE for the SLACK PIX!