PRAISE "BOB"....X-DAY DRILL '96 (July 4-7)
Slack beyond my wildest dreams.....!
Warning: Rambling Rant with Bonus SlackFacts and DickShit
Armed with a stripped down arsenal of OBE and KINGS OF FEEDBACK
Revived myself early Friday afternoon with a Big Gulp of Church Air
Sundown....Friday nite...time to find some DOKTORS to JAM with.
I then coax THE LIVING KEYBOARD out of it's Cacooon of Slack
Shorty after, the OFFICIAL FRIDAY NITE SLACK-OUT begins....
It's all coming back to me slowly now....
THANK "BOB" our beloved Stang taped almost everthing on stage
CHECK OUT Rev. Stang's X-Day Drill Report Parts 1-5 (Text Only)
CDs, Tapes, Vinyl, Videos, Stickers, Pamplets, (plus Camping Gear, FOOD)
and of course THE LIVING KEYBOARD with 10 MEGS of SlackSamples...
I decided to go SOLO as the KING OF SLACK and leave the Huge Heap of
KINGS OF FEEDBACK Wall of Amps and Humanoid Noisemasters behind.
I departed HEADROOM STUDIOS and met the irreverend Friday Jones
(who ran the SubG Sales Table at the Boston Slack Crusades)
at the pre-designated time quadrants and piled my Heap Of SlackGear
into the Red SpacePod Vehicle and 555 miles later, we arrived THUR AM.
Happy ID4 Day....Fuck Amerika...Land of Pink...Slackless Void...where
"We the People" celebrate "FREEDOM" by burnin' dead
chunks of cow
(Mmmmm Burger), getting drunk as puke and blowing up stuff....
....just another day in the good 'ole U$A
First Sign of Slack was a "X-Day Drill or Bust" banner and "BOB" Head
in the back window of a car with Georgia plates and WREK sticker,
(which turned out to be the LIVING LEGEND Suzie the Floozie's car.)
Anyway....eventually set-up camp and proceeded to reap some needed
Dok Philo approved Simulated SleepSlackDrug for most of the day....
until I hear Sacred Scribe/Diplomat and Helluva Fucker Rev Stang
chatting yer basic Howdy....Slacky....Welcome to the Camp, sorta Spew.
Later did a Old-Fashioned Tent RAISING for Rev Nickie, Will O'Dobbs
Rev Matt and caught a view glimpses of the LOVELY Suzie the Floozie!
Much later, I grabbed a Quick Cleansing in the Healing Shower Waters
and realized all the early bird SubGs had gone too sleep or disappeared
So being a PART wiccan/pagan/samari/shaman/percussionist, I spent
most of the Midnite 'till Dawn hours hangin' by the PAGAN BONFIRE
with the Dancin' and Drummin' HIPPIES. ( Got to borrow a DRUM and
bang with Hippie Brent and Bro Jim, who I asked to come down and
JAM with DOKTORs...Brent turned out to be Part-time SubG and later
spiced up Corpses Jam after their REAL Drummer couldn't make it.)
Finally I retiring for another DOSE of SleepSlackDrug around the
infamous TIME ZONE "July 5 at 7am"....!
and noticed a virtual SlackFUX Frenzy of SubGs setting up camps in
preparation for the DRILL. Almost all of the Mutants Preachers that I had
gathered for the KOF Slackfux Devival at the Knitting Factory-NYC were
all here already....Dr. "Kid" Ginsu, Pastor Craig, Dr. Legume, Rev. Nickie
Will O'Dobbs, Rev. Matt.....( No sign of Pope Meyer or Clavister, though.)
Saw the Phred Hates Jehovah Tour Bus arriving and briefly met
St. Andrew and Pope Phred on the way to my Ritual Cleansing.
Already noticing MEGA Withdrawal Symtoms from my excessive
TELEVISION and COMPUTER - Internet ADDICTION, I needed some
Noise-like Stimulation, QUICK!
IF only it was that simple....My SlackInsticts said just SLACK OFF
and make NOISE....let everyone else do the REAL WORK....BUT
being a so-called PROFESIONAL Recording Engineer/Producer and
Simulated Musician in my REAL LIFE.....I just couldn't help myself.
The Notorious STEVE SLACK was already there and setting up this
Lo-Fi PA (that actually sounded OK) and his Guitar/Bass Rig
The Lord JEZUS (The SubG's New Hope for DisOrganization of SLACK)
was helping cordinate the Doktor efforts and Jezus and I went off
to seek out the legedary Doktorband the Swingin' Love Corpses to
see Why-IF-How their RIG of Gear was gonna fit in.....Talked with
Corpes ONE-Stringed Bassist (and ProSound Man in Real Life) and met
Dr. Philo (I had been mailing OBE and KOF stuff to since late '80s to him)
and concluded that they were there to just SLACK OFF and would
probably save the Corpes JAM Set 'till SATURDAY's big blowout.
and after a bit of fondling and tweeking....It begins spurting out
the ORGY OF SLACK Noise SoundCheck and I prepare the assorted
KOS Ritual SlackArtifacts...Sacred #3 Iron Golf Club, Clone Dobbs
HEAD with Sacred Pipe. Then prep up the SACRED OBE-KOF-KOS
Heap of Sales Table with CDs, Vinyl, Tapes, Video, Stickers...etc
with some opening StangRant and then Jezus intros ME ....
from here on out I became a VIRTUAL ZOMBIE for "BOB"....I lost
all concept of TIME and REALITY (what little I had left anyway)
and after a MINI-King Of SlackNoise Trip I just seemed to be
under DOBB's AutoSlack Guidance for the rest of the FRIDAY
and SATURDAY nite SlackOuts. Serving "BOB"...I seemed to be
Simulated Church Anti-Organist, Doktor Jammer, Stage Manager,
and Roadie. I was so devoted to backing up the slew of Reverends
and jammin' Dok Noise that I NEVER even did my Full-Blown
King Of Slack Reverend-like RANT on either day. You'll have to
check out my combination KOS RANT and DokNoise set from the
Boston Slack Crusades to experience the MegaKOS trip.
and beyond for both the FRIDAY and SATURDAY nite SLACK-Outs.
I saved Stang's Video Log alt.slack Posts to help jog my memory.
OR go to SubSite for Full-Blown Graphic X-Day Drill Reports
I do remember a weird Slack DREAM (Nightmare?), involving a
SlackOrgy with ME PowerFuckin' THE LIVING KEYBOARD,
Suzie the Floozy, THE SQUID, OBE Alien Nympho Succubi,
CONNIE and it seems like Stang was shooting VIDEO and
"BOB" was the Director. Maybe it wasn't a DREAM?
DOWNLOAD Slacktunes and misc OBE and KOF WAVS.
KING OF SLACK Cassette Tape = $5 (ppd)
with X-Day's A-Comin' (Studio Version 4 Min.)
and BTM/KOS Crusades RANT (22 Min.)
KOF Slackfux Devival Cassette Tape = $5 (ppd)
Kings Of Feedback/Pope Meyer/Legume
Rev Nickie/Ginsu/Pastor Craig and MORE!
at the Knitting Factory-NYC '95 (60 Min.)
Call 1-(617) Lick OBE or
Email: Dok BTM
Open Your Ears!