Rock Musician Abducted by Alien Nymphos
Boston rock musican Bill T. Miller had just stepped
out of his local convenience mart when he was zapped
into UFO operated by sensual alien nymphos!
"I had just loaded up on my favorite munchie GROATCLUSTERS...
plus other assorted chips, candies, and cookies," Miller said. "As soon
as I was outside I was beamed into this silver van-like vehicle which
turned out to be a spaceship pod. Inside the Craft, rock music was
blasting. Candles and a wall of TVs surrounded me as I seemed to be
floating in a cloud of pillows. I could feel their big, black, glowing
eyes, inviting me to touch beautiful hairless nude bodies. As I reached
out, they grabbed my bag of GROAT. They seemed starved for SEX
and SUGAR, but the SUGAR came first! After devouring most of the
food, they turned their attentions to me. As I drifted into a dream-like
trance, I was glad I had remembered to press the record button on my
micro-deck tape recorder!! I could feel their soft hands and tongues
exploring every part of my body. They called a phone SEX line and
cranked the muzik, as my senses went into OVERLOAD! Moaning,
laughter,and the sounds of the magick rattles filled the Craft as
waves of orgasmic pleasure
kept coming. Minutes seemed like hours in
the alien time warp. MORE,they cried. Suddenly I was back at OBE's
HEADROOM Recording Studios, micro-deck and an almost empty bag of
"GROAT" in hand feeling as though I had an OBE with an ALIEN
NYMPHO SUCCUBUS! The band anxiously power-munched what was
left and got back to JAMMING what eventually became the first OBE.
flexi-disc/LP "Call Now! 1-800-OUT BAND."
Email Bill T Miller BTM ORGY