X-Day Drill VIDEO
alt.slack STANG POSTS 3-4
From: i.stang@subgenius.com (Rev. Ivan Stang)
Newsgroups: alt.slack
Subject: X-DAY DRILL 96 REPORT Pt. 3-4
Date: 13 Jul 1996 16:44:05 GMT
Copyright 1996 by Rev. Ivan Stang / 1st Orthodox Stangian 
MegaFisTemple Lodge of People's Covenant Church of the 
Wrath of Dobbs Yeti, Resurrected / The SubGenius Foundation,Inc. 
PO Box 140306 Dallas TX 75214 / Fax 214-320-1561 / PRABOB
http://www.subgenius.com -- SubSITE of Slack

X-Day Drill REPORT Pt. 3


(Sat. evening)

Swinging Love Corpses attempt PURPLE HAZE (!!!!) Requests: Sweet Home
Alabama. Mississippi Queen. Smoke on the Water. Rocket Man. 
They attempt "William Shatner singing Rocket Man." GOOD CUs of Susie's
Altar)* Take Me Home Country Road. Rocky Mountain High.  Iron Man. 16
Tons. Philo apologizes... 

Stang: Don't take the brown acid. Or the green acid either. Bummah, bummah. 

Seeking another drummer...

Killer 3-note Jam starting up... dies.... as *Luceferian Liberation Front,
Legume, Jesus hover around backstage in prep for Crucifiction... 
Backstage shots of Legume, Jesus set-up... bad camera... Stang gives
camera to ID.   


Philo and Stang argue about what's more important, them jamming or this
incoming crucifiction... New drummer Dr. Radionic joins them... Stang
interrupts, starts requesting volunteers with small heads to wear the
Sacred Masks: a John F. Kennedy, a NHGH, another OverMan, Satan, and a
Human Being. And a bearer of The Bleeding Head. 

Stang rant on Why We Kill "Bob". -- People put on masks, snake dance of
people carrying the globe and the Head.... 

Dr. Legume holds the Whole World in his Hands... hangs the sacred
blood-filled Globe.... leads chants... "I got a big fuckin' hammer in my
hand... " Legume smashes globe, blood splatters all over Sexecutioner
(ironically; he WAS on vacation from blood splattering acts). "It's the
End Times!" 

Stang and Jesus cut down the hanging Dobbs while Legume lectures: "We're
living in an age when you'll see the corpse of the old world and the
broken bones of time." Follow the smoke... *** The con's against you...
(great con rant -- good lighting w/ sunset approaching) -- Stang grabs
Dobbs corpse, fucks it while Legume rants. Legume introduces the unholy
rituals, provides visual aid of calendar.... X-DAY RANT! **** Stang lofts
dead Dobbs dummy... fucks dummy while Legume shoots off pistol... crowd
goes nuts...*** 

Legume leads crowd to CRUCIFY Jesus... Crowd chant "CRUCIFY!"  Pope Phreds
grabs the board. Legume: "Take your crosspiece -- you're gettin' dragged
to the Golgotha!" Stang humps Dobbs on Jesus, Legume scourges Jesus as
crowd of masked revelers head up the hill at sunset to Golgotha... Pope
Phred chastises Jesus... hideous tracking shot following crowd of lynchers
up hill... "Bleeding Jesus good! Healed Jesus Bad!" ** Great chant for
audio... "What is the Law? Are we not men?" 

Scourging continues. Unthinkably hideous midieval like shots of crowd....
past the Maypole of the infidels... Stang rants... "So, King of the
SubGenii, eh Jesus?" Stang looks for Sacred Hammer and Nails....  The Grey
suggests a judgement.  Stang: "Someone must die here today. Jesus is
trying to make up for what his followers have done... he tried to make
amends. Must we prove our faith by killing just another messiah, or shall
it give us more Slack perhaps... to kill "Bob"??"  Crowd demands "Bob"'s

Dr. Legume assembles the Cross... "is it Contestant #1, Jesus, or #2,
"Bob"?"  Crowd chooses "Bob"... 

Dobbs grins and smiles as they lay him on the cross... Jesus hammers nails
into "Bob"'s hands, feet... Stang narrates tearfully as Jesus hammers
Dobbs down... Toth is filming... "Nail the Pipe to his face!" Stang
lectures re Satan and Jesus cooperating in the nailing of Dobbs... The
sacred Stump is hoisted by many volunteers, a thousand Judases... Dobbs is
hung up against the sky, crowd chants to kill "Bob"... Stang, Philo, many
spit on Dobbs, He gets erection... the Grey pokes at him... Susie the
Floozie washes his feet with her hair, washes her armpits with his feet --
the OverMan spits on "Bob"... "He thirsts... pee upon him." 

Legume sprays "Bob" with starter fluid... Stang lights Sacred Sword...
"KILL DOBBS chant"... Stang fails to light Dobbs. Legume sprays fire
across Dobbs!  Dobbs goes up! His ass burns! Bloodthirst! Horror! ******
Incredible shot of burning Dobbs! His corpse swings hideously aS LEFT HAND
BURNS OFF... awful Dobbsflesh drips in fire like plastic, like children's
pyjamas... "Anyone have any marshmellows?" 

Legume, Stang, Jesus poke his remains. Stang lectures on. Disgusting arm
of Dobbs burns upon cross... Philo questions, "Did we do the right thing
here today?" "And so... fuck them if they canst take not a joke, and so
"Bob" proved... he let us fuck him, that he might take a joke, the hideous
punchline atop his hideous life... "  Stang and Drummond try to
out-bombast each other ... the crowd cries to kill JESUS NOW!!! "Eat of my
charred body, drink of my sizzling fat..." Philo pukes in disgust at
sizzling entrails.... Dobbs starts to reconstitute, Susie gets off on it.
Sick Internet jokes. "We can probably sell that glove for $30...".. tape
runs out. 

Legume: "We have cleansed this place!" Stang burns dollar bill... tinders
the tender. Stang realizes he's running things now that Dobbs is dead
again. Price goes up. Philo calls to lynch Stang. 

Legume spouts re: brain.... pulls out huge pink BRAIN... casts pieces of
brain into audience... crowd hungrily devours brain fragments... Legume
launches yet another brain. All SubGenii fall upon brains, devouring...
Joe Mama and Stang lecture re brain devouring. "And so now we are free...
Legume has given of his brain, Dobbs is dead, Jesus is scourged... NHGH is
satisfied." Crowd lusts for more brains. Video looks like Island of Dr.
Moreau... monsters gathered around flaming cross, bonfire....

Party winds down. Legume tries to lead in God Bless America. Stang sings
"He's Bob." and "I'm Bob's Own." (messed up on tape)

Black helicopter spotted overhead. Stang leads crowd back down hill to
hear SLC...
Susie complains that she never got to the Dobbs wang

JESUS in loincloth at pavillion updates things, introduces Rev. Matt's
discoveries in Dobbsology regarding the math of the astronomy of the
Dobbshead, lecture at midnight with telescope... Area 29... thanks crowd
for not killing him. 

(Tape of MY WALLET BELONGS TO "Bob" played to crowd during set-up)...
Stang gathers up masks... does ad for Dobbs and NHGH masks by St. Joe
Riley... crowd calls for killing of Stang, Stang points out how "old" that
is... shames non-participants in audience, calls for ranters... gripes,
bitches about his many chores... speculates upon his own GREAT POWER now
that Dobbs is dead. Does Dracula "power" lines.

Philo calls for jamming. Stang requests "Who Do you Love."... call for new

Philo exhibits Lafe's one-string fropmeister bass.... "Now that the
instrument's perfectly in tune... FUCK THIS PINK SHIT!!!" Insane aimless
mystery jazz jam ensues with Lafe on ugly 1-string bass, Ray on guit,
Philo horns, Dr. Radionics drums, Dobbs blood. 

Ray fucks with mike. Aimless meanderings. Philo tells audience they're
supposed to be laughing. Lafe and Philo wonder about what song they were
just playing. Tune-ups of the Gods. 

MYSTERY JAZZ ENSEMBLE PIECE #46 BLUE ensues.... unknown keyboardist. They
investigate burning bug on lightbulb fixture. Band calls for Frop. Crowd
requests "Freebird." Philo does sax madness, Lafe does Barbara Streisand
hits while tuning and stalling. Philo explains that they feed off
audience... audience starts responding.

JAM reensues. Slumping stumping jam. Goes on jazzishly for a goodly while.
I disremember who that guy on the keyboards was... always had a pipe in
his mouth, long-haired squared-jawed Dobbslike guy.  Miller starts
throwing in sound effects, it turns into violent Wotan jam... Steve Slack
on bass, Lafe quits, Luceferian Liberation Front guy Tehudi doing some
kind of keyboards, mixing in bg...   jam becomes totally aimless for
awhile. Searching for the beat... 

Dr. Radionics (Rasta looking guy) starts ranting. Sound on video is not
clear. Audio tape may be better. Great rant. (GOOD CU*s) -- MUST find way
to extract vocals from hellmix. 

Break as Philo exhorts Lafe to join back in... Bill T. Miller starts "If 6
Was 9" jam... *Dr. Radionics starts ranting again. (Video sound ok here) 
Osmotic jamming. "We will continue to shovel out truckloads of slack,
24-7... the Xmen will come to fuck with us... but we'll be there that day
in number..." 

nice drum jam starts, Wotan jam 3 ensues. Miller, Steve Slack, Love
Corpses, Tehudi, *CU, mojo bag rap, jam goes aimless, irritation level
increases. Ray Hay guitar riffs off Bill Miller samples. Rant
incomprehensible behind sound (on video copy anyway). Becomes sea of
noise, murk w/ Radionics beat and Ray Hay guitar space. REAL GOOD at very
end, just before jam ends (also, end of Audio Show tape #4 side 1)

Stang introduces Susie... she's shy... 
Stang flustered upon seeing her Devil Babe outfit...
(GOOD!!! CUs**)) 
Tassles a'wagglin, Susie drenches us in the breadcrumbs of slack while
Dobbs fries us up and dips us in Connie's honey mustard! 
(Susie delivers too fast and good a rant for me to keep up with typing) --
Susie is shamed by crowd for carrying Dobbs' baby... "And as wet as that
dream is, we've gotta follow it every step of the way. Take that despair
and crack it like a whip! "Bob" is that entrenching tool..." Susie
sizzles, hands out shovels to sinners and sinnerettes. !!!!! 
Indescribable, uncapturably great Susie rant. !!! AIEEEEE!!!!

Stang intros:

In full Nazi regalia, delivers rant re: the Reich and the blood flag.
(Video sound has too much crowd noise, audio tape is GOOD) Reads the
sacred document: WATERING DOWN DOBBS. SubGenius genocide... "to saboutage
our seed, to rob our men of their precious bodily fluids!" Rant on human
inbreeding. Great crowd response. GREAT Nazi-like CUs* --  Captain Bob's
Star Crusier... "what if his crew fraternizes with the enemy? The crimes
against the chosen race.... they label us... the untouchables... (superb
rant on audio!)** -- what to do with the Vermin. Pink infestation... how
to deal with it REASONABLY. "We'll be merciful... but we can't let them
taint our race. There'll be plenty of blood mixing on X-Day... we'll give
them the same chance they gave us when they were in charge. Not hate,
intolerance; just common sense! When you lie down with dogs, you get up
with fleas. There's no such thing as safe sex with normals. Don't give a
Pink an inch of what they want... let alone 10. It is more blessed to
spill your seed than to plant it on noxious ground. For what profit the
body that perish for the part?"

REV. GROOVY G proudly does sales rap, gives away FREE SHIT, *Good CU
displays the new HypnoBobitizer... new black "Bob" shirts. 

Legume in Priest Robes once again lets Drum demonstrate BREASTS to
Bobbies. "These are called breasts. Many of you have never seen them
before today, and will never see them again after tomorrow. Don't feel shy
about staring... What sets her apart from you is that she's gonna get to
bed down a women tonight."

Stang raps re Internet, alt.slack. Does survey... intros the 4 dimensional
preaching of:

Dynasoar does intro to hymns. ... GREAT good-bad renditions of classic
rock tunes)
1. ATLANTIS hymn!!
3. ((??))_ Classic damn rock tune I can't recall the actual name of
4. *** Dobbs the Mystic Salesman (to the tune of Roland the Headless
Thompson Gunner)
5. Stop Hey Get it Back, Every SubGenius Must Have Slack (Buffalo Springfield )
6. "SLACK" to the tune of "KICKS" (Mitch Ryder tune)!! (vocals by Steve Slack)

Stang discussses varying reactions of over-and-under-40 crowd to those
songs... reminds everyone of the 7 am ceremony; DON'T TOUCH THE PILS until
exactly that time... mentions the iron-on tattoos.... bitches about how 40
people want to rant now that the stage has been empty all day... intros

Nickie speaks re GUILT and removal of guilt... calls for volunteers,
strips off overcoat, revealing nun dominatrix outfit. 
Stang demands punishment, voices his support for strong women... gets butt
whacked, demands more. Bill Miller suipplies excess sound effects. Steve
Slack offers tapes, gets extra hard spanking for his cheapness. Nickie
looks really good in nun get-up. Stang gets another whipping. Breaks tape
in his back pocket.



X-Day Drill REPORT Pt. 4


(Sat. night continued)

** Susie the Floozie displays DIVINE BUTT while Nickie whips it... MAH
GAWD. They got their $25 worth RIGHT THERE. Nickie signs off...

Stang requests even bigger, stronger women. Berates those who missed the
Nude Baptism and fucked up like Hogan's goat. Praises the shit out of Bill
T. Miller, who pretty much stage-directed the whole Drill and kept
everything together. AND WHO BOUGHT OF HIS TAPES? Long ad for Bill's CDs

Slakfux Unite.... USED SLACK FOR SALE
X-Day's A'Comin' and the Pinks Are Bummin' ((GOOD CUs**)  then video is BAD
Great fx bits mixed  in, Bill rants re: X-Day. Fucking Idiot Asshole is
standing in front of Video Camera this whole time. The Idiot Asshole WILL
not be on the saucers. Jesus finally moves the fucking idiot out of the
Alien Sex Orgy fx... 

Bill intros Susie and Cheshire, the Free Condoms lady, to demonstrate how
to apply a condom with one's mouth. ***

"YOU RANG" song duet -- Stang/Miller in hellish collaboration: video sound

Pastor Craig is shot by Legume for... well, for being Pastor Craig...
Jesus attempts to resurrect him... Stang & Miller wing it. Strange moment
between ...

***"PRAISE BOB KILL BOB" duet Stang/Miller... (wide shot of audience
spazzing out) Stang attempts to exorcise the demon from Miller as he
denies the truth of "Bob"... then Stang gives in, agrees that Dobbs is
fucked... exhorts all to kill Dobbs... GREAT footage, Susie humps upon
prone body... Stang oversees decapitation of Dobbs, KILL BOB orgy... TOTAL
INSANITY, Stang attempts to cast out demons of blabbering bobbie assholes,
those who buy no OBE CDs, ... 

PRAISE BOB chorus **Miller w/ "Bob" Head....

Stang & Miller intoduce Tarla. ((CU Luciferians**))

Tarla does poems... audience loves her 
*2.) "Mary Jane"
**3.) women rant!!
4.) "Wake Up and Smell the Dead" * "I could have been..." (great fuckin' rant)
5.) DOBBS poem... !!

Tarla does short ad for her book.

Bill and Stang speculate re: who's next...
Special Alien Update

LUCIFERIAN LIBERATION FRONT (2 guys from Ft. Bragg in DAMN weird get-up
with shitloads of good equipment)
AVATAR speaks -- information on surviving X-Day regarding multiple types
of aliens. There is a way to identify which aliens to gravitate towards..
SubGenius individuality vs. alien collective consciousness computer.
Phobos probe ... *** this is the source of the Grey's intelligence. The
Xists use these same Greys to do their work... .. look for the Greys that
have a SMILE on their faces.

TEHUTI speaks: Glad to be affiliated with "Bob", Slack, Life... as the
aliens approach, as the planetoid Halle Bop approaches, we will be faced
with CHOICES... espouse Slack."

PAPA JOE MAMA 3 (in executioner gear)
(missed very 1st part on video)  The PSYCHOLOGY OF DEATH... "PAYING YOUR
DUES TO DOBBS".   **** "Have you truly PAID your dues? The rest are all
destined to Hell, that's a given. There's only so many places on the
Saucers on X-Day. Why waste fuel on the deadbeat Bobbies, etc... why
import problem people to the promised world. SOME think that's severe...
but "Bob" is a pioneer... can't afford the luxury of pity. Excess baggage
must be jettisoned. NOW how many feel secure? Is it FAIR that he save only
those who benefit him? Sure. SO MANY SubGs expect to be pampered,
validated, saved. But they leave the saving to the preachers. "Bob" wants
YOU to save your neighbor, your state, your planet. It's not like "Bob"
didn't try to do it himself. Not like there's no reward... a waiver from
HELL!  (GREAT rant re Hiroshima pain.) -- yet THAT PAIN is **NOTHING
compared to Hell. Those Japs had HOPE... the HOPE of DEATH... an end to
suffering. The Pinks won't have that... **** kinda funny, ain't it? --
eternal bliss, or eternal torment -- choose with your DEEDS! Don't sit and
wait... it won't be easy... but it'll be WORTH it. Try burning your hand
in the skillet... then imagine thaT PAIN FOR MILLIONS OF YEARS. THAT IS
THE ALTERNATIVE TO "Bob". *** I WARNED YOU..."   ((greatest Joe Mama rant
ever etc.) -- "Some will mock us and laugh... but come July 5 1998,
they'll be screaming for a chance they were given but CHOSE to ignore!"

Stang torturedly intros:

ST. @NDREW rant
Why Hate? Excellent Hate rant. @ndrew proves his worth despite all the
tortue by Legume and Stang in superb rant. "Enough of their egocentric
hate, boosting their human egos by stepping on others. "**** Good CUs.
Racial rhetoric... why hate only humans? GREAT!***

Stang encourages sin in
done this a million times...  (video is ng, all CU, no one manning camera,
though Stang does look unusually sexy in 3/4 lighting against Dobbshead
bg, in Moses-like charisma)) Kid Ginsu will marry the sky... you might
want to marry the Prairie Squid... praise Bill Hicks... ((shordurmar in
standard version)) *(Good recording on video sound near end, with Bill
Miller sfx)

As usual, no one is running camera while Stang is talking. Stang runs back
to camera to shoot:

Legume attempts to get Stang to drink Jaegermeister.

Stang rants re today's youth, bars through peckers, the broomstick up the ass.

Rev. Pee Kitty despite his girlish pigtails delivers unexpectedly intense
and heartfelt KILLER DEATH RANT for Dobbs. Audience goes apeshit. "Pump up
your calibre, increase your power, eat your parents, hate me, hate
yourself for not hating enough!!@!!" (This needs to be transcribed) "IT IS
YOUR MOVE!" Pee Kitty demonstrates far more balls than 99% of those
reading these notes, girlish pigtails notwithstanding.

Stang and Miller have now been left to run all techno by themselves while
all others party. Resentment towards non-helpers now building up on the
part of techno-Stang as he reflects upon how he might have been able to
rant, had anyone else besides him and Miller been capable of or willing to
work the tape and video decks. 

Legume, drunk as shit on Jaegermeister, sick of polka dot faced Dobbs,
sick of Bobbies, sick of the lame shit, intros:


Pastor Craig inanely blabbers while Andrew sets up, Miller plays B.O.B. riffs. 
Andrew runs through full Circus Apocolypse sideshow: fire, blood, pain,
punctuated by Bill Miller samples. 

Andrew calls audience in to experience the karma of pain, requests
volunteer, gets Betsy (bad girl that came with Pee Kitty) to validate the
reality of the nail, then Andrew (after quoting Copernicus from NY show
regarding "BACTERIA") hammers the fucking nail directly into his fucking
face. GOOD CU* and hammer sound effects... ** Sound of nail extracted from
nose is audible... Andrew nonchalantly hammers screwdriver into his
fucking face with superb Millerian sfx accompaniment. *** Reports on the
hallucinations induced by screwdriver brushing agsinst medulla
oblongata... the audience looks REALLY UGLY in that heightened state, so
he retracts screwdriver from head. GREAT Miller back-up...

Andrew intros FIRE... firey pain.   Despite Legume Jaegermeister, Andrew
juggles three flaming torches, drops a few onto audience members and sets
them temporarily aflame. Good firey audience footage... fucking idiot lies
on stage under visibly drunken Andrew's torches... Andrew struggles to
blow out the torches. 

Andrew  disclaims lightbulb eating, cheek skewering. Prepares to sew his
own lips shut for first time. Then... Legume demands that HE get his lips
sewed shut. Challenges other assholes to line up behind him. Sissy
dipshits giggle while Legume preps and Susie swings her Tail. Legume
coughs Ebola onto audience. Audience thinks he's kidding. Andrew is ready
to cooperate, but discovers that he has the wrong equipment. The needle is
too small for the thread. Initial disappointment... struggle with
equipment... Legume's Susie Penz goes to fetch darning needle. Legume
rants re Dobbs mutilating him, he was a skinny little boy getting picked
on, think he cares about mutilation? 

Andrew, stalling, whips out torch, rants re fire, puts flaming wand into
his mouth to extinguish it. Gobbles torch after torch. 

**Andrew rants re: "the Apocalypse is going on all around you, the slow
steady degradation of mankind, the breakdown of psyche, family, brain...
that is the constant apocalypse."

Misc. bad audience noise footage... 
Legume takes on the needle. Susie eggs him on, Stang moves in with camera
for extreme close-up: Susie swabs the needle... 

EXCELLENT extreme close-up of Legume shoving needle through lower lip, ***
"REMEMBER THIS, PINK BOYS... YOU'RE NEXT!!!" Legume sticks cigaret onto
end of pin so he can smoke with gaping mouth. Millerian FX go berserk...
Audience reacts to Legume's insanity... "You're all a bunch of pussies!"

Susie struts about in Devil suit, she and Miller gear up for MORE MORE MORE... 

Stang sez: If Legume can stick his lip, maybe we can survive till X-Day...
little rant re X-Day... ***Legume: "Where's them little pussy boys who
said "You can't hang since you didn't push that Stump up the hill?" 
--Stang compliments Legume, is left speechless... "Now if we could just
sew Legume's lips to Janor's tongue and Susie's titties, we'd make a
million bucks!" 

MORE MORE MORE... Susie attempts to get Stang to undress. Refuses...
discusses Janor and other Subs who cut their dicks off to prove they're a

Stang, Susie, Legume kind of wander, waiting for something more to
happen... Stang gripes about his endless chores... Stang exhorts audience
to sample the Prairie Squid. The slugs continue to sit there... Legume
demonstrates his lip...

Jesus opens the Sacred Cooler. displays Squid. *** Legume finger-fucks the
squid to extreme Millerian fx. Jesus and Susie prepare for The Act...
CU Squid... "It's not dead, just tired"... Susie BARES BREASTS, GETS
SQUID.... collapses against Bill; Stang: "This exploits women!!!" -- Susie
goes NUTS with squid, SMELLS like squid, demands MORE! 

Pastor Craig comes onstage, takes the squid UPON HIS BALD PATE!!!
(Disgusting CU shots of dead octopus on Craig's face.) Horny with a
squid,... he demands even more. Craig AGAIN gets squid on face... 

Pastor Craig shall henceforth be known as SquidfaceMan.

Rev. Stang comes onstage to demonstrate squid-fucking... then backs down
in disgust, discovering thast it is DEAD. Some apparently cannot tell the
dif between a dead fuckin' squid and a live pussy.

LEGUME takes mike, he and Stang grossly rant re the smell of a woman.
Susie begs for a lemon. Bobbies attempt to help clean off Susie's chest. 

Legume challenges the Bobbies to get off their fucking asses and preach.
Stang and Susie and Bill thank everyone for being there, ask why the hell
nobody else is up there on stage. $20 smellovision video of the squidfuck
sells two copies immediately. NOW we start selling tape... Susie's tits
are worth more than all the ranting in the world, that's what it all comes
down to. 

Stang, Susie, Bill Miller spew and suggest slugs in audience to DO
something... of course they remain anonymous... Bill reminds them of 7 am

Bill suggests that those remaining now, will make it at 7 am... (he turns
out to be way wrong)

Rev. Matt shyly mentions his upcoming lecture re: the mathematics of where
"Bob"'s pipe is pointing (which is indeed a fucking amazing lecture, a
whole new level of Dobbsology)...

((Stang is secretly now STEWING on how no one has proffered him a
fropstick, cup of coffeee, ANY BREAK AT ALL from his post at the cameras
and recorders...))

"I've got a toilet full of sin, I'm gonna throw you in, I wanna scrub you
underneath the rim. Satan is my Tidy Bowl Man...He wipes with a Bible when
he takes a dump... I wanna pull you out my anus/ because you're an
Really good song! ... very good recording on video. Sick as 14 motherfuckers. 

Bill and Stang discuss the hard core folks who remain... 

(End of shooting on Sat. night)

thanklessly maintained throughout the daylight hours by the untiring Will
O'Dobbs and Rev. Nickie, spelled occasionally by Jesus, myself and Papa

All hail also the NOBLE BRUSHWOOD STAFF!!

Stang X-Day Drill Report Pt. 5 + HOS
Orgy Of Slack | BTM ORGY