SPEWING FORTH WORDS of TRUTH from ALLSTON ROCK CITY Video shot by Bill T Miller - April 25, 2007 - When i shot this video of Butch i was waiting for the 57 bus in Allston and Mr. Butch came strolling by and i mentioned that i was going to see Mission Of Burma reunion gig and then started rolling tape with... "We're live with Mr. Butch in front of the Burger King, what ya got to say for yourself?" BUTCH - "damn, i can't believe Mission Of Burma is still going." BTM - "they're back in action, they're playing at Avalon tonight." BUTCH - "well i'll be god dammed." BTM - "there ya go, just like Mr. Butch, they keep on rockin'...." BUTCH - "keep on rockin'... "keep on rockin'..." (then i zoomed in tight and he launched he into the spew seen on video here.) BUTCH - "ya gotta keep yourself going in a foward manner so that yer friends is always going up in a progressive way, it's too bad that you have to do these things, but ya gotta be articulate everyday. keep it going on strong and straight and use your heart and all your might and all your weight and all your power, do what you can to make it last for many (an) hour... CAUSE ONCE YOU'RE DEAD, YOU'RE DONE, YOU DON'T COME BACK!" BTM - "YEAH" - added at end of video as BUTCH strolled on down the road and then bus came and i was off to Burma (with Sunburned & The Dresden Dolls.) ![]() BACK TO: Mr.ButchShow.com